Sunday, March 24, 2013

Discipleship Why is it necessary? Part one

Recently I was able to take some time away with family to the mountains. In as far back as I can remember there is nothing more refreshing, revitalizing or invigorating than walking in the mountains while listening to the battles of Joshua and the Israelite's as told in the book of Joshua in the Bible!

This past new-year I have, as I have in the past, challenged myself to get through the bible in a year. I usually fail! (Actually I have failed exactly the same number of times that I have attempted). I have tried using smarter goals such as reading through MORE text this year than I did last year, or to read through AS MANY books as I could get through in the year.  I have tried plans, challenges and pure will power. I have tried to set specific times of the day aside, and although I usually start strong, somewhere along the way life happens and before I know it BANG a new year again, and another failed goal. This year is going to be different!!

How you ask?? I will tell you!

With many advances in technology, it has become easier to incorporate bible reading into my daily life. This past Christmas my wife and I came into the newest generation of cell phone, and with it came many perks. Not the least of which is a variety of free bible applications. My favorite one is the you version bible ( This particular app offers a wide variety of translations, many of which you can read as well as listen to! I have found this option to be beneficial! Already this year I have made it through over 30% of the bible, some of the time reading, some of the time listening, and some of the time doing both.  

(A quick Google search reveals that about half of all cell phone users now have smart phones

I have spent hours of doing the mundane household chores, which everyone has, and concurrently listened to passages of scripture. In fact doing the dishes probably accounts to about 30 percent of what I have completed this year so far. One caveat to listening though is that you must devote your time listening to it as actively as you would pay attention to a difficult text-book. You cannot simply let the words play in the background and hope you absorb as much text as you can. That would be similar to using the bible as a pillow and hoping to have some of the text leak out into your brain through osmosis. I have found multiple times that it is better for me to pause or stop my listening as various distractions come up, and then continue once I can focus on the text. Now this has worked best for me, and I understand that not everyone has the same time, but using your morning commute to work, or spending your last hour before you go to bed at night could be the difference between reading and not reading the text. (For me if I could not listen to the bible, I would not be able to get through as much of it but for others reading is the only way to get through it.)

It is important to ENGAGE with the text, and to try to allow it to penetrate your life as much as possible. That being said, it is important to pick a version of the bible that you are comfortable with. If it is hard listening to or reading the Old King James ( thee’s and thou’s ) then a lighter version such as the ESV which uses a plainer/modern English might be beneficial. Do whatever it takes in order to get the Word into your life!! As to what version to pick, again Google is your friend and will help you to understand the differences between one version and another.

It has been said many times that you can read the same passage of scripture multiple times and derive multiple meanings or applications to the things that are going on in your life each time! This is the best way I know how to listen to the bible. As you are listening , think about the various challenges you currently are facing, and try to allow your perspective on those challenges to be challenged as you listen intently.
Another method which I have found to be helpful for me is to get engaged in discussion with another Christian who is entering a similar endeavour.  There is rarely a better opportunity to challenge yourself to not just read or listen to the BIBLE but to engage in the words that are written than by discussing the challenging portions that you come across with a like-minded Christian! This could be your spouse, your boy/girl-friend, your mother/father, brother/sister, or friend!

Recently in the church that I attend, the pastor asked a question of the congregation; how many people have read through the bible in a year? There were a few dozen hands put up in a congregation of hundreds! Could you imagine the fruits that would come out of our churches if reading the bible was the RULE and not the exception?? The same pastor asked a second question… How many people have ATTEMPTED to read the bible in a year, and from what I could tell nearly half the congregation put their hands up. This was a staggering comparison, but it also tells me that people are trying but failing. I think a lot of us (including myself of course) need to ask ourselves some very tough questions! What is it that is keeping you from reading through the bible, or from reading the bible on a regular basis? How can you commit to reading more regularly? What other thing in my life could be put "aside" in order for me to be able to accomplish this goal? What would I and my family gain if I took this from a desire to an action? If I am to be honest with myself, I am extremely guilty of not reading the bible on a regular basis, I am absolutely FULL of excuses as to why I cannot seem to make reading the bible a priority. Usually I blame circumstances, or parental models, or being too tired, or not having enough time, or not having the right motivation… and the list goes on. What I needed instead was instead of reasons why I cannot, I needed reasons as to why I should!! 

At the very least, me reading the bible regularly will help me! But this WILL lead to me being a more effective leader in my family, a better friend to those around me, and most of all, will help me to have a stronger relationship with my Lord, my God and my Savior!! For how can I be an effective Christian, if I don't equip myself daily. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Discipleship, What is it? Part ONE

To start the process of looking into discipleship, it is important to begin with the basics.
Usually when you start a word study, the first thing you do is look up the definition of the word, as it is important to be understand basic meaning before getting into a semantic war with others.
If you head down to the 4th definition given According to a disciple is:

A person who is a pupil or an adherent of the doctrines of another; follower (in this case Christ)

According to the Easton Bible Dictionary a disciple of Christ is one who

1.       Believes His doctrine
2.       Rests on His sacrifice
3.       Imbibes His spirit
4.       And imitates his example (for references see Matt 10:24; Luke 14:26-33; and John 6:69

            I began looking into this topic with what I considered was a traditional perspective on discipleship; effectively I believed discipleship was an event that took place at a particular place at a particular time and under the direction of a particular person. What I have learned is that it is much more! Discipleship begins on the day that Christ is accepted into your heart, and ends the day you die. It is not defined simply through short snippets of human instruction, but rather by a decision to become a member of Christ’s body. By becoming a Christian you are effectively committing to be a disciple of Christ. And similar to an apprentice working under a master craftsman, becoming a disciple of Christ is not easy; it is a journey. There are aspects of following Christ that are outlined for us; through church leadership, mission statements, and doctrines. But a large part of who we are as Christians has to come from somewhere else; it has to come from within!

           Not to be discouraged, just like any other journey that you take, whether it be from your home to work, or up to the top of the world’s largest mountain, it begins with ONE step at a time.

To end this post I would like to leave you with these thoughts…

“Earthly goods are given to be used, not to be collected. In the wilderness God gave Israel the manna every day, and they had no need to worry about food and drink. Indeed, if they kept any of the manna over until the next day, it went bad. In the same way, the disciple must receive his portion from God every day. If he stores it up as a permanent possession, he spoils not only the gift, but himself as well, for he sets his heart on accumulated wealth, and makes it a barrier between himself and God. Where our treasure is, there is our trust, our security, our consolation and our God. Hoarding is idolatry.”
― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship

John 13:34,35
                [Jesus said] “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” {NKJV}

Monday, February 25, 2013

True Discipleship

A search for true discipleship

Here I endeavor to explore the topic of discipleship. One might ask why discipleship; my answer has many layers.

Layer 1-

I have a longing to seek relationships which encourage discipleship. My whole life I have longed to have a mentor who will help to challenge and direct me. Seeing that no one person has been able to fill that role in my life, I have been able to connect with multiple people who have pushed me and challenged me along the way. As a result of my recent query into discipleship I have realized that although I cannot call one single person my mentor, I can see how God has used many people to fill that role. Thus the topic has piqued an interest.

Layer 2- 

Having a new child has opened my eyes to the importance of discipleship. Prior to having this immense responsibility it seems as if my experience with discipleship has been quite unintentional and periodic. Now that I have a child, I want to know what it means to help him as he relies upon me to show him the way of Christ. As a result of this quest I would also hope that it will inspire me to be more intentional in other relationships that I have so that I can help those who the Lord has put in my path, to “teach, correct, rebuke, and train in righteousness” (2 timothy 3:16)

Layer 3- 

I have a longing to be a true disciple of Christ. I have been challenged by many people, some Christian, and some atheist, to be genuine in my faith as a Christian. To me that means to “deny [myself] and take up [my] cross and follow [Christ].” (Matthew 16:24)

As you follow along in my journey, please feel free to comment, as what I have to say is supposed to inspire discussion and intrigue. If you have any ah-ha moments you would like to share please feel free!